Hey everybody,

Last Saturday I went to the Retour des Alpages in Annecy, which is a festival celebrating the farm animal's return back to the valleys for the winter. There were a lot of crowds, as well as cows and other animals walking in the street! Hope you enjoy the pics!

And last Sunday my host family and I went to Echirolles, a town close to Grenoble, which is a famous city a couple hours south of here. At Echirolles, we went to see my host sister in a Judo competition for some hours, and I got to see some Judo in action!
Today, Tuesday, I don't have any school because of "greve", which is when the teacher's strike because they want to retire at 68 instead of 63. This movement is really active this year, so I've already had a couple days off of school.
Well, hope everything's good at home!

10/12/2010 11:48:22 am

Great pictures Sami! You keep up the great pictures and dialogue and then we can make an awesome book.

Hope all is well- great talking to you yesterday- not much new here- trying to keep Richie on track with homework. I finally mowed the yard- very dusty and dry. love, dad


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